Neem Plant – Information With Benefits of Leaves, Oil & Bark

 24 Mar 2021  4677

Neem is a tropical tree native to India and also termed as the wonder tree. In Sanskrit, the neem tree is called Aristha, sarvatibhadra, Subhadra, Sutikta, etc and the scientific name of neem is Azadirachta indica.Neem tree leaves, bark, and oil have been used to treat hundreds of various ailments from ancient to modern times.

Neem tree is still venerable and vastly used in many countries, particularly in India for its exceptional therapeutic properties.Neem has a far larger variety of uses than any other known herb. The use of a neem tree is attributed to an ancient Indian culture known as Ayurveda over 4,500 years ago. Ayurveda the oldest Sanskrit writings called “Charaka Samhita” describes neem Tree that keeps all diseases at bay (as sarva roga nivarini) or reliever of disease (arishtha).

The ancient Indian physician (Vaidya) has used neem in their formulas for many centuries. Due to its incredible array of healing attributes, neem became popularly known as the “village pharmacy.” Furthermore, increasing the charisma of neem is its surprising lack of side effects.

Neem Indian Names

  • Bengali: Nim, Nimgachh
  • Gujarati: Leemdo
  • Hindi: Neem
  • Konkani: Beva-rooku
  • Kannada: Bevinmar, Kahibevu
  • Marathi: Kadunimb
  • Malayalam: Veppu, Aryaveppu, Aruveppu, Kaippan, Veppu, Vepa
  • Oriya: Nimo
  • Punjabi: Nimb
  • Sinhalese: Nimu
  • Telegu: Vepa
  • Tamil: Vembu, Vempu

Neem Other Names Around The World

  • Arabic: Azad Darkhtu Hind
  • Burmese: Tamabin, Kamakha
  • English: Neem, Indian Lilac, Margosa
  • French: Margousier, Azarirae d’lnde
  • Farsi: Azad darkht
  • German: Indischer Zadrach
  • Indonesia: Mindi
  • Latin: Azadirachta indica A. Juss or Melia Azadirachta Linn
  • Malay: Baypay, Dawoon Nambu
  • Nigeria: Don goyaro
  • Nepal: Nim
  • Portuguese: Margosa, Nimbo
  • Persian: Azade Darakhte Hindi
  • Singapore: Kohumba, Nimba
  • Spanish: Margosa

i) Neem Tree Information

The Neem tree belongs to the Mahogany family, and appearances are close to the China-berry tree. Neem tree in English is generally referred to as “Nimtree” or “Indian Lilac.” It is native to the Asia region and mostly found in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Burma. Below is neem tree information on how it looks and more about neem tree.

1. Neem Tree

Neem is a tree that grows rapidly and can stretch a height of 15 to 20 meters, it sometimes it can also increase up to 35 to40 meters. Neem is an evergreen plant, but it could shed nearly some of its leaves or sometimes nearly all leaves throughout drought seasons.

It has a wide-spreading branch; moderately dense and roundish that may reach a diameter of 15 to 20 meters. The neem tree looks like the Chinaberry tree.

2. Neem Leaves

Leaves: Neem tree leaves grow in an opposite; it looks like a feather and is about 20 to 40 centimeters in length. With around 20 to 31 medium to dark green distribute leaflets about 3 to 8 centimeters long and terminal leaflets are often missing with short petioles.

Neem Flowers: Neem tree has white aromatic flowers that are arranged in almost loose, branching cluster of flowers, which are up to 25 centimeters long. It blossoms with a branch up to the third degree and bears from 150 to 250 flowersEach flower is 5 to 6 millimeters long and is about 8 to11 millimeters wide. Protandrous, ambisexual flowers and male flowers exist on the same individual tree.

3. Neem Fruit

Fruit: The fruits of a neem tree are smooth; it looks like olive-like drupe; it varies in shape from elongate oval to nearly roundish. The fruit ripe it is about 1.4 to 2.8 X1.0 to1.5 centimeters. The outer layer fruit skin is thin, and the inner layer has bitter-sweet pulp, which is yellowish-white and very fibrous.

The middle layer of the pericarp of the fruit is 0.3 to 0.5 centimeters thick. The innermost layer of the per carp endocarp) is white and hard having a brown seed coat.


ii) Neem Tree Medicinal Uses

Neem trees have been used for over two millennia in India for their therapeutic properties. The products of the Neem tree have been used in Siddha medicine, which is one of the oldest medical methods known to the human race. As per the textual and archeological evidence, its origin goes back to 10 000 B.C to 4 000 B.C.

Later; it has been used in Unani medicine and Ayurveda which are believed to be a branch of it. The physician (Vaidya) believed neem products have antifungal, Anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiviral, and diabetic, sedative and contraceptive properties, below are few of the neem tree uses and medicinal uses of neem plant in points

1. It Boosts the immune system

Neem has a property that can help to boost the immune system. Neem helps the body to fight against infection before the immune system called into activity. Neem encourages the formation of T-cells that helps to fight against infection’s bacteria.

The best part of it is that neem does not destroy beneficial bacteria, which are needed to maintain optimum health, unlike antibiotics. Neem is the best and effective non-toxic alternative antibiotics that the conventional antibiotics that have dangerous effects.

2. It Improves hair growth

The other benefit of neem is that it can make your hair long, thick, and lustrous. Applying organic neem oil to the hair and scalp can give beneficial effects on scalp conditions, including dandruff, scaling, and even hair loss. It has been found that surplus sebum production can also give rise to thinning of hair and result in hair loss by clogging the pores of the scalp.

In this condition of inflammation of the scalp, neem leave is very effective because of its antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties. Besides this neem leaves also stimulates blood flow to the skin and nourishes the scalp and hair roots making hair thick, long, and lustrous hair.

3. It Improves oral health

Uses for neem for oral health is an ancient well-known remedy of Ayurveda. Neem oil is composed of essential vitamins and fatty acids that make it the best natural remedy for oral care. It is very useful in conditions such as tooth decay, mouth infections, sore gums, and bleeding gum.

Besides oil neem bark, the powder is also beneficial for this condition due to its natural antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobic properties not only provide natural teeth whitening but also help to freshen breath. Moreover, neem bark powder also helps to counter bacteria that cause inflammation, cavities, and gum disease.

4. It Improves skin conditions

Neem has a long history for uses in different ailments, including skin conditions. Neem has an antibacterial property that is remarkably effective on chronic skin conditions rather than medical drugs, which generally fail to respond. Neem leaves extract can cure varieties of skin problems such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, stubborn warts, and ringworm conditions, in addition, organic neem oil can also be used.

So using neem for skin can be the best way to get results without any harmful side effects such as allergic reactions, redness, and rashes. Today neem oils are also used in cosmetics products to beautify, clear, and revitalize the skin.

5. It controls Diabetes

Neem tree has been used since the age-old for treating a large number of diseases, and Diabetes ailment is one of them. Neem is a quite popular ayurvedic remedy for lowering sugar levels in persons with type 2 diabetes. It is known to be the safest medicinal herb that can lower glucose levels without producing any future side-effects.

It has been found that neem can reduce insulin requirements by up to 50% in diabetic patients without modifying blood-glucose levels. Neem leaf extracts and seed oils have an active ingredient that is effective as a cure for diabetes.

6. It prevents Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers are distressful and painful sores in the lining of the stomach; low stomach acid is the main reason that contributes to ulcers. When the stomach does not produce sufficient acid, a wide range of bacteria attacks the stomach lining those results with an ulcer.

Neem plant has been successfully used in India for many years for peptic ulcer disease. Neem is very effective in peptic ulcer due to its anti-inflammatory properties, which can decrease irritation and pain associated with gastritis. Besides this, the pungent, stomachic, astringent action of Neem also provides a gastro-protective element and anti-microbial effects.

7. It helps in wound healing

Among many application neem oils from the tree is also very useful for a sprain; minor skin abrasions, bruises, cuts, scratches, etc. It has been found that if proper care of wounds is not taken it may last even months and create more complications.

Applying neem oil or neem leaves can help to heal the wounded areas quickly. Neem tree is effective due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties that provide relaxing and helps to heal the injured areas rapidly. Neem also holds remarkable nutrition that plays a crucial role in the formation of collagen and new capillaries.

8. It prevents Heart Disease

Heart diseases have become very common these days. It causes when a range of disorders affect the heart such as blood clots, blocked blood vessels, high cholesterol, cholesterol, etc.

Using neem tree leaves can be beneficial in these conditions as it has properties that can dissolve blood clots, reduce blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and other heart irregularities. Neem is very effective because it’s the antihistamine effects due to its properties called nimbidin in it.

9. It kills intestinal worms

The intestinal worm is mostly caused when the skin comes in contact with unclean, uncooked foods, contaminated water, etc. Neem for has been intestinal worms have been used for ages and found to be in practice in most parts of India.

Today modern studies have also proven that neem can successfully parasites, kill harmful fungi as well as viruses. Neem is very effective due to its anti-parasitic properties that kill parasites, besides this, it furthermore helps eliminate the toxins in the body.

10. It stops the growth of cancer cell

According to a study published in the “Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Reviews on Cancer” in August 2014, reports that the use of neem can help to prevent or treat cancer. The study was mainly conducted in laboratories using cancer cells or animals.

The study stated that neem tree leaves had a number of elements that may be beneficial in cancer treatment. Neem leaves have elements such as beta carotene, antioxidants, azadirachtin, vitamin C, deoxonimbolide, azadirone, glucopyranoside, kaemferol, quercetin, and nimbolide.

iii) Uses Of Neem Tree

Neem tree is referred to as the “Miracle Tree,” it is because of its tremendous curative properties. It is an important herb of Ayurveda; it had been very well described neem tree benefits, uses of neem, and how all parts of neem trees are used for medicinal purposes such as neem leaves extracts, bark, twigs, flowers, seeds, and neem oil.

1. Neem Bark Uses and Benefits

According to Ayurveda neem, the bark is cool in nature, bitter in taste and has astringent properties, is used for Kapha Dosha imbalance. Traditionally, neem bark powder or neem bark extract is used to treat many ailments. Below are some of the uses of neem bark.

  • Worms
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Wounds
  • Cleaning teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth decay
  • Foul smell
  • Birth control
  • Skin diseases
  • Ulcers
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Conception
  • Hyperglycemia

2. Uses of Neem leaves and Benefits

According to Ayurveda neem leaf works wonderfully as beauty products as it is very effective in curing most of the skin-related issues. Below are some of the uses of neem leaves

  • Eczema
  • Ringworm
  • Acne
  • Wounds
  • Ulcers
  • Skin cleanser
  • Blood purifier
  • Hair conditioner
  • Anti-dandruff
  • Eye cleansing
  • Immune booster

3. Neem oil uses and Benefits

Neem oil is obtained by crushing the seeds, just like the leave’s neem oil is also used to treat most of the skin-related problems. Below are some of the neem oil uses.

  • Skin cleanser
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Skin toner
  • Itching
  • Natural shampoo
  • Dandruff
  • Relieves irritation
  • Hair growth
  • Head lice

Neem is another plant to tulsi which is considered as a holy tree in India, it is worshiped as a God. Like tulsi plant, neem is also considered as the remedy for every single problem.


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